Album: Flume, Skin, Hi This Is Flume, Palaces
In this episode, John links up with Harley Streten, better known as Flume, to talk through how he wrote, recorded and produced the four opening tracks from his mixtape and three albums – ‘Flume’, ‘Skin’, ‘Hi This Is Flume’ and ‘Palaces’.
Digging out files from sessions dating back to his early adventures travelling around Europe, Harley gives us a rundown on some of the key parts of his life in music and how his approach to producing has changed over the years. From his early days using cereal box software to his approach to fixing writer’s block and the mental strain of life in music.
As well as the long list of failed experiments that never made the final tracks, we’re given a full tour of the painstaking tweaks and subtle changes Harley teases into his work to humanise a production.
Listen to find out what question Harley always asks when visiting synth stores, why you shouldn’t be afraid to rip off other people, and what some of the key elements to consider are when navigating success.
Tracks discussed: Sintra, Helix, Hi This Is Flume, Highest Building