Album: Sticky
In this episode, John ventures over to Baltic Studios to catch up with Frank and Dean of Frank Carter and the Rattlesnakes about how they wrote, recorded and produced their latest album ‘Sticky’.
Unearthing demos and recordings from their time in a Norfolk holiday cabin, the pair look back on how their process has changed over the years, sharing thoughts on broadening their horizons and blurring the lines of writing and recording.
As well as personal stories of self-sabotage, imposter syndrome and competition within music, the pair single out the ingredients that form their chaotic cacophony of sound, from homemade microphones and recycling unused material, to tuning gunshots from Call of Duty.
Listen to find out why you should collaborate with people that make you feel lazy, how to react when Dave Grohl brings you a tray of shots mid set, and why Frank may soon be performing Moonlight Sonata.
Tracks discussed: Rat Race, Go Get A Tattoo, Take It To The Brink